Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A little LOTRO insight.

Night SceneImage by fiatlux via Flickr

I quit playing Lord of the Rings Online about two years ago. I had grown tired of the game; found the content to be growing dull and repetitive. It had also become painful to play on a personal level, as a dear friend of mine I met on LOTRO lost her battle to a terminal cancer.

I lost my eye on LOTRO for a while, until I started writing on a regular basis about MMORPGs again. I decided, finally, that I'd renew my subscription and buy the Mines of Moria digital upgrade. While reinstalling and downloading a massive update to game files, I discovered something that made me slap my face a little in surprise.

You see, I hadn't realized that LOTRO had added two new classes: the warden and the rune-keeper. For such a big update to such a big game to pass me by felt embarrassing, both as a gamer and a journalist.

Nonetheless, finding this information out was exciting. Not only was I excited to try a restyled LOTRO, but to be able to try out two classes, both of whom appeal to me greatly, is doubly exciting. I even gave in and bought my husband Moria and a month subscription. That's how piqued I'd become.

So sorry Tweety, I should have been paying more attention to this game. I always love Turbine MMOs, and I think LOTRO's gonna suck me back in hard. And I'm gonna like it, baby.

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1 comment:

  1. The deal they have on the expansion right now is pretty amazing. I've been considering trying it out again myself.
